Raphael Saydi Macedo Mussi
Sócio de Pellon & Associados Advocacia
Partner at Pellon & Associados Advocacia
Graduated in Law, with a postgraduate degree in Constitutional Law from Estácio de Sá University, and a postgraduate degree in Business Law from the Catholic University of Petrópolis. With extensive litigation and advisory experience in insurance, civil, business, administrative and regulatory law in Brazil, in addition to international arbitration disputes. He was Legal Consultant at Sul América Seguros, with experience at Prudential do Brasil. He accumulates practice in the management and control of judicial liabilities in legal departments and is currently a partner of one of the most admired law firms in Brazil, acting in the judicial representation of insurance companies in domestic disputes and international arbitrations, involving insurance and reinsurance law before all the Courts of the country , in addition to providing advice on business law and contracts. He has been a professor at the National School of Insurance since 2014.
Areas of expertise
Insurance and Reinsurance Law, Business and Regulatory Law, Arbitration and Civil Liability.
Pellon & Associados Advocacia
Rua Desembargador Viriato, 16 – Centro
CEP: 20.030-090 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil
Tel: +55 21 3824-7800
E-mail: raphael.mussi@pellon.com.br
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