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Lawyers consulted by InfoMoney list impacts for insurers and consumers by Denise Bueno Journalist Gilmara Santos, from Infomoney, says that the Complementary Law Project (PLC 29), which is currently being discussed in the National Congress, regulates the private insurance market in the country by unifying rules that involve consumers, brokers,
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According to CNseg data, demand for credit life insurance reached BRL 4.2 billion in the first three months of 2023 EXCLUSIVE – According to information from the National Confederation of Commerce in Goods, Services and Tourism, defaults among Brazilians reached the highest historical level ever recorded: 77.9% of the population
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EXCLUSIVE – Present in Brazil since 1992, Mapfre celebrates its 90th anniversary and is concerned with raising awareness among the population in general about the importance of insurance. The company supports the PDMS (Insurance Market Development Plan) and intends to invest in winning over new clients, whether they have portfolios
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EXCLUSIVE – With the resumption of travel, Brazilians are showing more and more interest in discovering different regions of Brazil. According to data from FecomercioSP, national tourism earned BRL 18 billion in September and recorded the best result in eight years. In the accumulated up to the ninth month of
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Fenaprevi (National Private Pension Federation), based on the results from January to September 2022 in premiums and contributions, in addition to economic indicators, projects that the sector should grow 13.1% this year. By segment, the highlight goes to open private pension plans, with an estimated growth of 13.4% over the
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Sponsored by Bradesco Saúde and Bradesco Vida e Previdência, the meeting addressed ancestry, working relationships, and the importance of thinking about aging from now on. Per Denise Bueno Priority must be given to positive coexistence between generations from approaches that impact the whole of society. This was one of the
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Together, with R$ 1.081 billion, the group is in 29th place, according to a ranking prepared by Francisco Galiza Per Denise Bueno Banco Safra reached an agreement with Administradora Fortaleza, from the heirs of banker Aloysio Faria, to take control of the Alfa Financial Conglomerate, which owns Banco Alfa and
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With a focus on ESG best practices, Circular nº 666 provides for the sustainability requirements to be observed by companies susep On June 27, 2022, Susep (Superintendence of Private Insurance) published Circular No. 666, which provides for sustainability requirements to be observed by insurance companies, open private pension entities (EAPCs),
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Participation of insurers that include the ESG agenda in their business strategy increases from 77% in 2016 to 86.4% in 2021 The seventh edition of the Insurance Sector Sustainability Report, produced by the National Confederation of Insurance Companies (CNseg), reveals that in the last three years the percentage of insurers
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Per Denise Bueno According to the “Global Insurance Potential Index” (GIP), developed by Mapfre Economics, an area of ​​the Mapfre Group dedicated to research and analysis on insurance, pensions, macroeconomics and finance, Brazil remains one of the ten countries with the greatest potential for growth in the insurance sector for
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