Patrícia Sanches
PhD in Legal and Social Sciences.
Professor of the Doctorate in Legal Sciences at UMSA-Buenos Aires, postgraduate studies at EMERJ – School of Judiciary of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro, at ESA – Escola Superior de Advocacia SP and RJ, and at PUC-PR. Academic coordinator and professor of academic extension courses at the University of Coimbra/Portugal.
Lawyer with more than 20 years of experience working in the area of international trade contracts, especially commodities and anti-dumping (Brazil, Norway, China, USA). Specialist in contracts, digital law and data protection.
She is certified in Behavioral Aspects of Data Security at Derby University / UK and in Digital Law at Opice Blum Academy.
Speaker at numerous national and international conferences.
Skills in English, Spanish and Mandarin.
Pellon & Associados Advocacia
Rua Desembargador Viriato, 16 – Centro
CEP: 20.030-090 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil
Tel: +55 21 3824-7800
E-mail: patricia.sanches@pellon.com.br
(photo credit: Leo Martins)
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